Blood Donor Drives at Suncoast

Suncoasters Doing Their Bit To Save Lives

In a time when South Africa, and the world, are fighting a devastating pandemic, the helping spirit of the Suncoast team shines through once again.  SANBS has done two blood drives at Suncoast during the last 4 months with another drive planned for March.  Staff donated 42 pints of blood in total which will result in 126 lives being saved.

SANBS aims to collect 3 200 units of blood a day to ensure a safe and sufficient supply, to meet the demand, but recent stats show that less than 1% of South Africans are active blood donors.

The Suncoast team will continue to do all they can to support the SANBS blood drives and have set a challenge to make 2021 the year that we break our records in terms of number of pints collected by the end of the year.

To find out more about donating blood visit

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